Scare Tactics
For some reason people like to use scare tactics to take control. This is one way our government likes to keep their power. The best example of government using scare tactics is the movie "V for Vendetta." If you have not seen this particular film let me elaborate. A politician seeking the position of leadership plotted to kill thousands of his own people with a virus to spread scare among people. After the virus was released he, and others within his party, blamed a group of radicals for the spread and promised a change if he were elected. After he was elected a cure was magically discovered, manufactured, and distributed among those suffering. So much trust was put into the government they began using scare tactics to control the people by implementing curfews, a fear of being arrested for talking bad about the government (cough...patriot act), and a continual reminder that the people needed the government to do this for their own safety.
Lets look at our previous president, George W. Bush. In my opinion Bush is uneducated, not good with words at all, and selfish. A terrorist attack on the United States happened on 9/11/01. Rumor has it the government knew about it, but lets bypass the conspiracy theories because none of them can be proved or disproved. What happened was we invaded Afghanistan (which in my opinion was our right), and then the government went too far. George W. Bush and his administration made up lies in order to invade Iraq. I'm not saying Saddam shouldn't have been taken out at sometime, but why fabricate the truth to such a high degree? Then the Bush administration started doing the same thing as in "V for Vendetta;" they began to tell us that we need them to be safe from terrorists. In order to keep us safe they initiated the "Patriot Act" also known as the UnPatriot Act by those in the Wiquer Party. According to the Patriot Act the government had the right to take anyone for any suspicion for as long as they wanted without an explanation. Sure, that sounds so "patriotic." The fear of war, attacks, and internal persecution was highly pushed during the Bush era.
Lets look at our current president, Osama Obama. Not only, in my opinion, is he a Muslim that is really just looking for world domination through kissing the butts of other countries instead of taking care of his own like he needs, but he's also an arrogant fake like those you love to hate. Does he use scare tactics of war to take control of us? I haven't seen it (although I have to digress and say, didn't he promise to get us out of the middle east, yet sent 70,000 more troops out there not too long ago?). How does the Obama administration use scare tactics? By using the biggest thing hurting the United States: the economy. The Liberals all together like to come out and say without them we cannot get out of this recession. We need them to bring the United States back up to a financial power. This coming from a President that bought his wife a 6 digit helicopter to travel in, made around $5 million last year from salary and book sales, and burns millions of gallons of fuel (paid for by our tax dollars which we apparently don't have) to kiss the butts of other countries.
Why can't we have a president that won't use scare tactics? The government is already there, it already exists, tell us something we want to hear. I want the government to tell us:
- Government officials will start using their own money to pay for their gas, travels, hotels, etc. instead of taxes we pay (outside of paying their salary)
- They'll stop spending billions on a war they promised to stop 7 months ago
- They'll stop spending billions on welfare and other government programs on those that aren't in need, just lazy
- They'll stop spending billions on foreign aid when people in this country are suffering (I'm not saying stop foreign aid, I'm saying to cut it on those countries that don't need us and burn our flags when they don't want our help anyway)
Bush used scare tactics, Obama is using the same tactics with a different focus, and I can almost guarantee the next president is going to use scare tactics. When a country can't even trust their own government that government has gone off the deep end.
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