Health Care Reform is Supposed to be Better?
I agree that all citizens in the United States should have health care; the health care system has spun too far out of control. Premiums are too high, health care companies make too much money, and companies are dropping health care to save money. So what's the solution?
Well, President Osama (I mean....Obama) came out and said he would reform health care so everyone would have it! Yay right? It only took him a year longer to get things passed then he promised, and now that the reform bill has passed everything will be spiffy right? Wrong. Although more Americans will have health care and I am totally supportive of that, and the national debt will be $24 million dollars down, according to a report on Yahoo the government was planning on cutting funds to Medicare by 15%. Wow! Medicare (for those of you who are oblivious) is for elderly people that need further help with medical bills. In fact, according to the same report on Yahoo, the majority of funds hospitals are able to bring in are due to Medicare and the growing number of those that are older going to the hospital on a consistent basis.
How is this bad? The government will be saving the country money right? Everyone will have health care right? Well yes and yes. However if you haven't seen the problem yet let me elaborate. If Medicare funds are cut by 15% Medicare won't be able to cover as many costs as they have in the past (which is 100% of costs in many situations). Therefore the elderly will not be able to pay for everything they are in need of, causing the hospitals to either lose money because of lack of payments, or because people just won't go because they can't afford it anymore. What happens next you ask? According to economists on the same Yahoo article 50% of hospitals will go under financially from the decrease in services. What happens then if half our hospitals are gone? Crowded hospitals, longer wait times, higher stress on doctors because of the lack of other hospitals, and frustration with the health care system because it'll end up like Canada, and we all want to prevent that. What else? Doctors, nurses, all hospital personnel are unemployed. I thought the government was going to try and prevent unemployment rates from sky rocketing, guess not.
Another bit of information I don't like about this reform. According to the same Yahoo article the Democrats want to pass a bill (under the idea from Obama) that the government should increase taxes on health insurance companies to discourage them from having such high premiums. Are you retarded or high on drugs? Look at the tobacco company you ignorant morons. The government taxes the tobacco companies and those taxes increase all the time. Who pays for it? Not the tobacco companies, but the customers. Companies just increase their prices. Health insurance companies are just going to hike up the prices to pay for those taxes. Then what happens? People like me that can't afford health insurance in the first place get screwed because we have to:
1 - Pay for our own health insurance because the government picks and chooses who they help out with insurance (like Medicaid).
2 - Pay the taxes on the higher premiums.
3 - Pay more taxes for this stupid reform to cover the costs of others to have insurance.
4 - Get screwed by the government because they just can't figure it out.
We have the best health care in the world, it doesn't need to be CHANGED but REGULATED; the government is there to govern and regulate not CONTROL! Look at the government run entities:
1 - Medicaid (probably going to be stopped with this new reform) was easy to fraud, wasn't regulated closely, and is costing us billions each year.
2 - USPS (United States Postal Service) is continually closing facilities, raising prices to match what they need (and for those that don't know, the USPS is required to have about $1 billion in extra revenue every year to put into an emergency fund, and so where is that money now to help them out?), and the service is worse and worse because they hire idiots.
Look how well these entities are doing and how well the government takes control! This reform is going to cause more problems than solutions if our mentally retarded government officials can't get their heads out of their butts and figure something out to stop screwing people that actually work to make an honest living and stop aiding those that take advantage of government handouts that are easy to get. Thanks Obama, your New World Order and plans to take over the world with your cocky attitude are going to screw "your country" that you "care about" even more than when Bush was in office! Might as well add a hammer and a sickle to the flag now so it doesn't come to a surprise in the future!
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