Racism is Stupid
Ok, so someone explain to me why they can hate someone just because the color of their skin is different. Please, explain to me how that is right in both the eyes of God because it's hard to see a God that hates his own creation that the Bible says he loves.
Lets get some facts straight. Yes, different races, religions, nations, etc. were treated horribly throughout the years. Jews have been persecuted since they can remember (read the Bible). The Nazi's didn't help by killing approximately 6 million in concentration camps. Whenever a new Christian religion is founded it is ridiculed by existing sects (Catholics to Prodestants, Lutherans, Calvinists, etc., then all of the above to newer religions such as Mormons, Jehova's Witnesses, etc.). People have treated others horribly throughout the years in this world because they were different.
Today there is all this politically correct BS that people are trying to push on to others. Well, why can you be racist against me and it be ok if I'm "white"? Why can't I say, "I want to be called European American."? Why is it respectible for blacks to call one another by the "N" word (I hate that word for my own reasons) but if someone else says it it's completely uncalled for? Where's the respect in a word that was used to discriminate and lower human beings?
To be honest, I don't care if people call me white. I don't care if people wish me a happy Hanukah just because I don't follow the Jewish faith. I don't care if people don't want to say Merry Christmas, but don't say I can't say it. I don't care if people want to hate each other, just don't hate each other because of skin color or religion. I don't care if you hate me because I'm white, but don't expect me to react because you aren't white.
The picture above was drawn by my brother on racism. It represents that racism just kills you more than it does others. You don't gain anything by being racist or prejudice. You don't improve yourself. You don't prove anything to anyone else. You don't move closer to God as the KKK claims. So why hate people because of the color of their skin?
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