And He's Done What?

So it's been a few years since Obama has been the failing leader of this country, and what has he done? In my opinion....nothing. He's spent trillions, acts smug and arrogent as usual, and still hasn't fulfilled one promise except spend our money to make the rich even richer. I thought Bush was bad for the tax cuts the rich received, but Obama just gives them money to "keep them in business and provide jobs."

Instead of focusing on a new world order he hopes to be in charge of, and trying to improve on his horrible public speaking skills (I've never seen someone as bad as him at speaking publicly), maybe he should improve our country and focus on our needs. His healthcare bill is pathetic if not completely a waste as healthcare companies are still confused as to how to bill customers. Someone, please, tell me what good he has done. If you can tell me something good he personally (not the senate, not congress, but Obama himself) then let me know because he hasn't done a damn thing at all.