Proposition 8 Upheld
I read many different articles and comments about how Prop 8 was upheld in California, but those married before Prop 8 passed were allowed to keep their marriages legal and recognized by the State of California. So a decision has been made, hopefully.
If you've read my posts you know how I feel about Prop 8 because of the other things it would lead too. If you think about it the protests wouldn't end there. There are now protests in states that legalized same-sex marriage by gays saying religions should be restricted from:
1 - Denying marriage ceremonies in their church institutions.
2 - Teaching against same-sex relationships.
First of all there is a separation between Church and State so you're wasting your time and trying to force your lifestyle on everyone especially in the religious areas of our freedom, so stop being narrow minded (which is funny, because extremist protestors call everyone else narrow minded if they don't agree with their views, very interesting). People can choose to protest and ridicule your lifestyle and there is nothing you can do to change that; protesting is a great part of living in the United States and having the freedom to say what we want. Go ahead and protest yourself because you have that right to do it also, but let others do what they want otherwise you're just practicing hypocrisy yourself.
Second, gays are asking for equal "rights." Think about it for a second. Did you think about it? If you didn't you're lazy (I can say that because I live in a country where I can say're lazy). Marriage isn't a "right" it's a privilege. Getting a drivers license isn't a "right" it's a privilege. Marriage requires you to pay for and obtain a marriage license to be recognized by the state/federal government, just like driving. You do have equal rights. You have the same opportunity for the following:
- Job availability
- Education
- Freedom of speech
- Freedom to vote
- Freedom to bare arms
You have the same rights as everyone else. So stop saying, "Equal Rights" when that's not what you're actually asking for in return. You're looking for privileges so ask for that instead of looking like fools. I understand there are things you want that married couples are awarded when the state recognizes the marriage to be legal. However, you're not going to get it because of the definition of marriage currently held.
Personally the biggest issue to me is the hypocrisy by the protestors. As I mentioned previously I have read many articles and comments on this Prop 8 decision. Many of those against Prop 8 call others "bigots" because they do not like the thought of same sex-marriage. Have you ever looked up the definition of bigotry? "Bigotry: intolerance toward those of different creeds or religious affiliations." This is the exact definition found in the latest version of Websters dictionary (well, the latest version I have as a poor college student). Based on that definition, EVERYONE is a bigot even those that are gay. Way to use words you don't understand. You remind me of Ralph Wiggum everytime you open up your mouths and say things you don't understand, "Me fail English? That's unpossible."
Some of the comments in regards to the California issues (not any of the other states that approved same-sex marriage, just California, think about that for a second, it's because California was going to allow discrimination charges against religious organizations if they denied marriage to same sex couples, other states are not doing that) blame the LDS Church. Well, I've written a few blogs about this, so read those. However, people are now saying things like, "What if the government said you couldn't be Mormon?" or, "What if marriage between Mormons was illegal?" My favorite was, "What if Mormons were restricted or hated? You'd change your mind." Again, Church and State people, you'll never win that battle. However I actually want to comment on these useless comments. Take a look at LDS history. Polygamy was made illegal to spite Mormons no matter what you believe about the reason. So we didn't whine about it, we dealt with it when we believed we were supposed to stop. How about the extermination order? I know Wikipedia isn't the best source for everything, but this sums it all up:
"Missouri Executive Order 44, also known as the "extermination order" (alt. exterminating order) in Latter Day Saint history, was an executive order issued on October 27, 1838 by Missouri governor Lilburn Boggs. The order was in response to what Boggs termed 'open and avowed defiance of the laws, and of having made war upon the people of this State ... the Mormons must be treated as enemies, and must be exterminated or driven from the State if necessary for the public peace—their outrages are beyond all description.' The order was formally rescinded in 1976."
What if Mormons were hated? Ha! You have no idea what the history of this Church entails, and still entails if you ask that question. EVERY single religious organization at some time has had hatred brought before them in one way or another; some worse than others at one point of time. Everyone has been hated against, don't act like you're the only ones.
Nobody is taking away your rights to marriage. In fact, look up history books and you'll see marriage was mostly used for religious purposes. When religions make restrictions on it you shouldn't complain, they started the whole trend! In addition, this government we have now was based off of religion! You can't escape religion because religion is history.
I have the freedom to express my points of view. I'm not saying I hate anyone that's gay. I have friends that are gay. However, being as blunt as I am I told them my view on Prop 8 and they didn't fight with me, instead they respected my opinion because they know everyone can differ when it comes to thoughts and ideas. I agree with gays when they say everyone should have equal rights. In regards to the "write" of marriage the people have spoken. Personally, I logically do not believe homosexuality is natural, otherwise men could have babies with men naturally and the same with women. Your appeal failed because it was a fair poll. Live with it. You want to get married? Move to another state. It's that easy. Quit crying about it and move on.
Now, for the extremists on the other side of the discussion you need to calm down too. You should not be rubbing the decision into the face of those that fought for same-sex marriage. Insulting the personal lives of homosexuals is not the right thing to do. Saying "God hates gays" is something you don't know. Are you trying to put yourself in God's shoes or say you're God yourself? We must be respectfull. Homosexuals are still citizens of this country and provide to this nation in many positive ways. Yes problems have arised from homosexuals, but what group/sexual orientation/religion/race/ethnicity etc hasn't caused a problem? Individuals need to take responsibility for their individual actions (read my previous blog about blaming an entire group). People need to be left alone in their personal lives unless it is directly effecting you.
The decision has been made either way. Both sides should leave it be.
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