Extremist Republicans, Atheists, and Liberals Just Want to Take Freedom Away
If you've read any of the other posts I've written, you'll know I do not belong to any political party due to the fact that they are too far one sided. A compromise is the only way to run this country correctly. Will anybody ever do that? Nope.
First, I'm not saying you can't be a Republican, Liberal, or an Atheist (basically the same thing). This country allows EVERYONE to have the freedom they want in ACCORDANCE with our current LAWS (all caps for a reason). So you can be an Atheist, a Liberal, Wicca, Christian, Jewish, etc. We can voice our opinions because our country has allowed us to do so (to a point while the (Un)Patriot Act by dubbya is being executed). So again, realize I'm not saying you can't believe what you want to believe.
Second, I'm not saying this information in the blog pertains to all Republicans, Atheists, and Liberals. This pertains to the EXTREME persons of the said parties/believe systems that never shut their mouth and want to control things. So if you take offense to this post then it's your own fault, because I'm not offending you, you're choosing to be offended because that's how you are, and the rest of this post will prove it.
Let us start out with a few stories and observations I've seen. Approximately 5 or more years ago (I can't remember how long ago, if I cared about the exact time I'd google it), an Atheist group here in Utah petitioned the fact that the State of Utah was placing crosses at freeway locations where a highway patrolman was killed on duty. They complained the crosses were a direct disregard for their freedom of religion to not believe in the symbol of a cross (Jesus Christ), and that the State of Utah should honor their request to place a death symbol of another kind to honor those that died. During the court session to determine whether or not these crosses were discriminating against Atheists, the families of the fallen patrolmen were asked their views on the matter. Most of them were Christian, some not. ALL of them loved the idea of the cross to honor their family, even those that did not believe in what the symbol of the cross represented. The case was thrown out and the crosses are still used. Wasn't it religious discrimination by the Atheists by restricting Christian's from expressing their beliefs? Sure was.
Just recently we all dealt with news of Proposition 8 in California taking away the right of homosexuals to be married to one another. We all know the preconceived thoughts of Republicans is anti-gay marriage, and Liberals (Liberals are not Democrats, the Democratic party isn't extreme like Liberals today) are pro-gay marriage. Don't misread what I just wrote, I said preconceived thoughts, meaning if someone said they were a Republican you would automatically think you knew their views whether you do or not. The LDS Church was also heavily involved in the political campaigns in regards to Proposition 8, even though it was mainly individuals within the Church and not the Church as a whole. Many people blame the LDS Church for Proposition 8 passing, even though the LDS Church was only one of the multiple religions affiliated with hoping Proposition 8 passed. If you just google anything from "Mormons and gay marriage" to "Mormons and prop 8" you'll find thousands of message boards from Liberals that just rip on all Christian beliefs, especially LDS beliefs. Some comments I've seen are, "Why can't you just leave people alone and let them live their lives?" Well, in response, the State of California invited those people to vote for or against the proposition. In addition, those that voted for Proposition 8 have the right to believe what they want, so why don't you leave them alone you hypocrite?
On the same note with Proposition 8, many Extremist Republicans were personally insulting homosexuals with their protest of Proposition 8. Now, I'm not a supporter of homosexual marriage and I don't have to be because I have the freedom to say what I want when I want. However, my opinion that when you take it as far as insulting people to fail to prove your point is taking it to an immature level. There is no need to point fingers at people because of association (this goes with all three groups discussed on this blog). Those immature protesters are also hypocrites proved by their actions.
Lets get one thing straight before I go on. The LDS Church would not have been as involved in the political controversy of Proposition 8 if the fact that they would have been forced to allow homosexuals to be married in LDS temples due to discrimination. If a religious organization was to deny homosexual marriage to any homosexual couple they could have a lawsuit, hence, forcing religions to marry them or suffer lawsuits. LDS members must go through a process to get into the temples because temples are considered holy and a sacred place. Even many members of the LDS Church are not allowed in the temple because they did not go through this process. If Proposition 8 failed to pass the State of California was going to punish any religious group that denied marriage to a homosexual couple. That means that the purpose of going to the temple would have been useless because the LDS Church would not be able to make homosexuals go through the same process. So homosexual marriage isn't just a request for equality, it's a request to be pampered and be given exceptions that others can't have. All in all, homosexuals want to be exceptions to many rules, and that's not equality, it's being lazy.
Let's discuss abortion (Atheists you can relax, I'm actually done with you). Abortion is taking away life of an unborn child. I believe if you choose to have an abortion because of your own selfish reasons you're a murderer, plain and simple. I can believe that because I live in the USA where I have the freedom to say and believe what I want. My favorite arguments from people that support abortion are, "You're telling me that I can't do what I want with my body by making abortion illegal" and, "I made a mistake so I just need to wipe my slate clean, and you won't let that happen." Both these statements were on a discussion forum with Deseret News regarding abortion. Most Liberals believe that you should be able to have an abortion up to 6 months of pregnancy, some up to live birth. First of all, I think you can make a decision for your own life just as someone that chooses to burglarize a home, or rape an innocent woman. However, you're taking something from someone else and you should be punished for that. You're not taking something just from your body, but from another body. Also, wiping your slate clean and not taking responsibility for your immature actions you'll most likely repeat isn't my idea of a positive experience.
Now for my opinions on the subjects. I am Christian and know that homosexuality is not natural. If it was, guys could get pregnant from other guys and same for women. If it was the way God wanted it to be then you'd be able to procreate since a commandment is to multiply and replenish the Earth. You are out of luck on that one. I don't hate someone or discriminate against them because of their homosexuality, it would be because of their personality whether homosexual or heterosexual. I have friends that are homosexuls. My thoughts on the whole homosexuality bit is that there is a chemical imbalance in the brain. I do not believe homosexuality is a disease, a devil trapped inside someone, or natural. Think about it, men and women have different levels of certain hormones that make them how they are. If someones brain controlled the release of a different hormone it could alter the tendencies of that person. You could be born with these, or it could come later. How does it happen? I don't know exactly.
Also, when you are excited your brain emits endorphins that make you feel like you feel good. When you get to a point that you are numb to the level of hormones you're used to, you need more or something different. Those that get addicted to pornography need more and more endorphins, but you can only go so far in heterosexual pornography before you hit a brick wall. What happens? You start watching homosexual porn to get those endorphins. Then you think you have to act on homosexual tendencies to feel the same way. It's obvious, there is a chemical imbalance in the brain of homosexuals. (I'm not saying every homosexual individual is addicted to porn, I'm using at as an example of how people say they "became" homosexual)Can it be changed or altered? I don't know, but if being gay is natural then I think there should be nothing to hide and some homosexuals should go into a test to prove that hormonal changes in their brains can't effect who they really are.
Now, homosexual marriage is a different subject than the practices of homosexual individuals. It was the decision of the founding fathers that homosexual marriage was to be illegal so if you want to blame someone for the law blame them. One argument I read on a blog for homosexual marriage was, "The times have changed, get with it." Well, times do change, and people who say that are the ones destroying this world. Let's look at it this way, before the United States of America was established as an independent republic there were colonies that would make their own laws regarding certain practices. For example, one colony could say having sex before marriage was illegal and could be punished by the law. People now would say that's crazy, we're having sex all the time and it's fine. Really? How high do you think abortion rates have gone up since it was "cool" to have sex before marriage? How fast do STD's get spread because people are careless? How many kids do not have a healthy home life because their parents either non-existent or aren't together? Everything is fine? Sure. The times have changed, and it's not for the better. The Bible says the world would get wicked before the second coming, so you people that say that are just fulfilling what we Christians believe and you don't even know it. Thanks for proving that we're even more right than you.
Now my favorite thing, most Liberals are the biggest hypocrites out of everyone. First of all, Liberals are loud mouths and immature in the way they argue because all they do is try to personally insult people to make a point. They don't even know what they think most of the time, they just argue for argument sake. If gay marriage were the trend, Liberals would fight to make it illegal because they just like to make a stink about everything. It's true and they know it. Second, Liberals always say to have an open mind when talking to others, but an open mind to them really means you have to agree with them. If you do not agree with a Liberal then you are not open. Funny thing is they don't have an open mind because they don't have minds of their own, and they will rip you a new one if your open mind doesn't include their beliefs. Don't they know that most people do study what they believe and just don't agree with their stupid ways?
Every particular group ruins this country by trying to go too far left or right. People need to compromise on how things are run in this country. The government is currently using all these commercials on television on how to compromise in marriage to make a marriage work, yet they won't compromise on their political beliefs. And if someone doesn't agree with you then you can TALK about it in a MATURE manner. Otherwise, you'll look like you have no idea what you're talking about like most Liberals because they just believe everything they want that proves their point of view, but don't open their minds to things that prove they are wrong (and they are wrong).
So again, be what you want, it doesn't matter. Just be mature and open minded about the whole thing. I love to research both sides so I can decide what I believe on certain topics. After I see the advantages and disadvantages of something, I decide if I believe it or not. If you want to be a tool, then believe what you're told and do what you're told. When you just do what you're told and argue with everyone youre taking their freedom to think, act, and be the way they want. Me, I'll make my own decisions.
"If Proposition 8 failed to pass the State of California was going to punish any religious group that denied marriage to a homosexual couple."
Where did you get this idea? This is like some sort of messed up slippery slope theory on acid. No state government forces any religion to perform any type of ordinance - it's just absurd, and its a clear violation of separation of church and state. No religious organizations are forced to perform interracial marriages. No churches are forced to marry people who have already been divorced, so why on earth would the government do anything different with gay marriage. Gay marriage had already been going on for several months (gasp) and the church hadn't been forced to do anything. The idea that we need to deny other people their rights to protect our own is warped beyond all belief.
(The deleted comments were mine, they didn't save correctly). Read the rights again. If any church or institution denied marriage to a homosexual couple it would be considered discrimination, therefore, subject to a lawsuit. So they wouldn't force religions to marry couples, but the loophole is they would allow lawsuits for discrimination. Someone living in California (and LDS as you are) should know that.
Also, denying someone else their right to protect our own is "warped beyond all belief?" Ha ha ha ha. So we should let murderers murder people because they feel they have the right? People should be able to steal because they think they should have the right? Trying to allow everyone to do whatever they want just because they feel they have the right to is completely absurd. You can have your own beliefs, but when you try to insult other people's beliefs when you obviously have no knowledge is absurd. Wow...you're a moron.
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