Bailout Causes Problems; Waste of Time

So I guess some Republicans decided to vote with those socialist liberals in order to finally get the bailout ready and going (took you guys long enough). How effective is the bailout going to be? Well, in my opinion, they are just giving money to corrupt corporations they have dealings with, just a big ol' repeat of Bush and Cheney. Way to go Obama! Feed those that have more money than they need with more money again.

Why can't the government use some common sense when it comes to how they should "bailout" the United States because of stupidity? The first bailout was given out and look what companies did with that; vacations, renovations, tighter loan processes (even though loans were supposed to be easy to get), etc. You can't regulate these things even if you tried.

Why are you dropping the value of the dollar to give money away to businesses? Isn't the point of having a business to succeed or fail? These companies took chances that they chose to take and they failed. Also, 10 years ago if someone lost their job and had to sell their house, or even lost their house, those people weren't "bailed out" by the government, so why should people now be bailed out? It's not fair. You're just giving people excuses to get money they don't deserve, and that leads to Socialism! Look how well Socialism worked in other countries...oh wait, it didn't because people in the government seats will always put themselves above others. What are you going to do next? Increase the amount of funds to go to disability and welfare so more people that refuse to work like the rest of us get more money to live off of? How come you're not just figuring out how to create jobs. The bailout won't create jobs. Companies are going to fire more people even if they get a bailout, then spend the money so corporate execs can have a nice Hawaiian vacation. So if you don't create jobs first you're just giving away money that's going to be wasted to companies not willing to hire. Way to go! You just wasted an entire month when you could have been productive. According to various website polls, the public is losing interest in what the bailout is going to do. For example, Yahoo reports that the support for the simulus plan is down 6%. How many people voted? Thousands! I'm not the only one not impressed by this crap.

How about this idea, since Liberals are all about just giving away money. How about you give me money, since I didn't cause this whole crisis, so I can go buy a house of someone that is in danger of foreclosure? That way I get rewarded for not being an idiot, the person that was an idiot still gets saved, and the banks/mortgage companies receive their money. Wow, and it won't cost you a damn thing more than you're planning to give out already. Holy cow, something that makes sense by someone not affiliated with any stupid political party? Can't be. We can't reward those people that work hard, we have to reward people that will make us money for ourselves. We need to give money to people that don't want to take responsibility for their actions, not people that are suckers and actually contribute to society.

Obama, you're already starting to fail in my eyes. You're wasting money as we speak. I thought you would provide a huge change, but you're just doing stuff for your own benefit. Don't try and say you've only been in office for a month, cause guess what? You promised change and you're aiming toward it in the wrong way. You talk the big talk, but I don't see anything showing you'll do what you say you'll do. You better bail yourself out of this whole situation. I don't want another repeat of the last 8 years.