Obama as President

So there are many issues I could write about in regards to Obama's inauguration, and I will write about a few of them so I don't waste your time with too much common sense.

1 - Obama will change things. Now, for those that know me personally I didn't like George Bush as a president, and I didn't agree with most the things he did. However, he still did some good and wasn't the worst president we've ever had (he was just close). Obama will change things that the Bush Administration did. I don't know what he'll change, or how he'll change it, but it will be changed otherwise his entire campaign was a lie. My excitement in this whole thing will be when the change happens. If it sucks, everyone that voted for Obama (and those that didn't but are followers of the norm) that rubbed his victory into the faces of those that didn't vote for him (myself included because I had a write-in ballot and voted for myself) will be embarrassed by their immature actions. If it goes well and he does save this country, it just goes to show that Liberals CAN do something morally right. So I'm excited to see what happens, for better or for worse.

2 - Race. If you haven't read my race post then you should before you get all mad at my comments. First of all, those that voted for Obama just because he is HALF black (I emphasize half for a reason) don't really care about this country as much as they do image and to "prove a point" (an unknown and stupid point). If you voted for Obama because you liked his ideas and policies, then good for you. I don't think the "race" thing that never existed but was played out by Obama and many of his followers will be changed. How can something that didn't exist be changed? It either has to be created or ignored for 4/8 more years. Complaining about race as one of the disadvantages to anything is in vain about 80% of the time, but does happen 20% in things such as job availability, hate crimes (I don't say crimes in general because crimes are committed against one's own race most of the time), etc.

3 - War. How many of you really think this war will be ended because Obama will be the new president? I personally don't think it's going to end as soon as some people think. There is still a lot going on over there. And if the "rumors" are true that one of the main reasons we went into the middle east is because of oil, you won't see that war ending any time soon. I do think Obama sincerely wants to end the war and bring as many soldiers as he can home, but it's not up to him solely. The President is limited in HIS power (Hillary Clinton will never win). So it might just not happen.

4 - Taxes. Apparently Obama is saying now that instead of reversing Bush's tax cut for the rich he's going to let it expire. For those of you who didn't know, the tax cut policy is only good until 2010, then it's back to what it was before Bush gave himself and his buddies, I mean, those that need more money because they don't have enough over $250,000 to live their luxurious lives. So taxes will probably be the same for a while. However, Obama is very fond of giving bailout handouts to corporations, and that money comes from taxes. I'm guessing a tax height to give millions to corporations so they can continue to have their private jets, make 7 digits a year, and so forth. Doesn't if feel good to know that the hard earned money you receive will be going to corporations that will still charge you full price even though it was you that bailed them out? Don't be surprised if a tax height is coming.

5 - Economy. Yes the economy is going to pits. Everyone knows it. Recessions happen every once in a while and then we bounce back. This one is a little heavier than ones before. So lets see how Obama does in bringing this economy back. How about instead of giving money to the thousands of morons that took out mortgages they couldn't afford, second mortgages they couldn't afford, etc. to prevent too many foreclosures, you give that money to people not in extreme debt that can buy those houses from the idiots so everyone wins. Those that didn't screw up the economy get houses, and those that did still get bailed out but they don't get a handout to keep this hell hole from expanding. To me, that's a Bush policy by saying, "We shall give back to the rich and the stupid that caused this financial crisis in the first place." Be smart Obama, don't give money to the ones that screwed us up.

I don't think Obama can do worse than the previous president of 8 years. However, I don't think he's doing things that much different. The only advantage I see so far is he actually speaks proper English. We'll see how these next four years play out.


Tristin January 21, 2009 at 1:24 PM  

Hail to the Wiquer king! I had no idea you were into politics, totally cool. A couple of things:

1-Obama WILL change things. Probably not as much as a lot of people pretend, but enough that people will notice. And thank the holy heavens for that! The ridiculous precedent that has been set by the people in power for the last 8 years is sickening and dangerous. The first change I'll be looking for will be more transparency from government. No more backroom deals that screw the majority of the country!

2- The fact that President Obama is HALF black is still relevant, because when he was born it was considered a very very bad thing by whites. Not only was he treated the way FULL blacks were treated, but he represented the sins of a white person that dared go against the will of the white god and sleep with a black man.

That being said, voting for Obama purely because of his race is stupid and irresponsible, no question. Voting for Obama because of his promises and his message of hope and change is the only valid reason in my eyes.

3- I fully agree with the king on this one, enough said.

4- Screw the bailouts and the greedy, incompetent excuses for CEO's that have run the world economy into the ground so that they could afford that new Gulf Stream Jet. I hope they rot in hell. Any government official that believes the bailouts are helping is either seriously ignorant of economics and reality or seriously corrupt and brainwashed by greedy companies. Either way, I am disgusted.

5- I'll stick with what I said for 4.

Long live the Wiquer Kingdom!

Wiquerking January 21, 2009 at 6:24 PM  

We do agree on most things. It is true back then that being half black was significant to treatment. However, playing the race game by Obama and McCain was very immature and irrelevant to the future of this country. My point of saying he is "half black" is not because he has white heritage, but the fact that he played off of being half black himself, through his own words. The emphasis was to say it through his own words instead of saying in my words, "...he is black." It's not meant to be an insult, it's not meant to be critical, just want everyone to know I am saying what he refers to himself as.

Wiquer People Rule!

Anonymous,  January 22, 2009 at 3:04 PM  

Wow Steve, you put everything into perspective,and I completely agree with you. I just wish more people would read this, because you bring out valid points on both ends. You are not bashing anyone, and you are stating your opinion is a mature, well researched, dignified way. I am so proud to be your wife! (Even though I'm still mad at you for the whole Joaquin argument). lol